07 Mar

I am Nirmala Ashok.  My native is Thiruvannamalai in Tamilnadu which is a famous temple town in southern part of India. I arrived in Sweden when my husband moved here to work in IKEA.  We came here in 2016 along with my 2 daughters, my little one was just a small baby in my hand when i moved here.

About her love for cooking

I am passionate about cooking food and teaching kids.  Both occupy a special position in my life.  I like cooking food for my family and friends, all kinds of food, both traditional and modern with a twist. My special interest in understanding the spices and add-ons that bring out that unique aroma in each of the food and give life to it.  I enjoy the actual cooking process as much as the finished dish at the end of it.

About Eat Healthy

Cooking for my near n dear ones and the interest to provide healthy and quality home cooked food for the Indian community sparked my idea and interest in starting a home-based business. I feel that I bring a slice of memories with the food taking us back to the heavenly smell of spices and flavors cooking in our own kitchens back home.  The idea of starting a business has been close to my heart for a long time. It became a reality only recently and it happened all of a sudden without me triggering anything.
I have just started on this path of entrepreneurship with dreams and hopes. I know that along the way, I will meet different people, pick up lots of experiences and have both ups and downs. I hope that this will all add to my maturity and growth in life and profession.

Environment Factors

Sweden is special as in it offers great and equal opportunities to all of us.  There are ways of growth available to all of us.  The challenge I see is in the expansion when the business grows. One of the main challenges is balancing my family with 2 little kids along with the home business. I am trying to time manage effectively without impacting both sides of my life, personal and professional.

Message for Women's Day

"You can do it and you deserve it". A woman is a combination of many - a daughter, wife, mom, teacher, guide, but she is also 'ME', an individual who should give enough recognition and pamper herself as she pampers and gives warmth to so many around her.

Editor's Note: Menu and Contact Details for Eat Healthy

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