07 Mar

I’m Neha Taneja. I was born and brought up in New Delhi in a Punjabi joint family.Growing up with 6 cousins, there would have been chances of identity complex, but we all were under such a loving and tremendous influence of our grandparents, that we never felt lost. Each 7 of us have achieved / are in process of achieving what we wanted in life.It was my grandmother, Mrs. Kanta Taneja who first declared that I'll be a good cook. I was not old enough to burn my hands trying to cook, but she recognized the talent in me.My husband’s job got me here, to Sweden. It was in late 2015 that we landed our Wonderland; that changed our life for good.

About her love for cooking

I had always been passionate about cooking; more than enjoying a grand meal, I feel good about making other people enjoy my food. God has been kind enough that I have been bestowed with a talent to make people happy and content about their food. As I remember my frequent Gurudwara trips with my parents and grandparents, I could feel much more satisfaction on the faces of Sevadaars as compared to us. That feeling is still left with me; that feeling of Sewa. I feel it’s a very basic need to feel sated. Hence the birth of my catering venture in Helsingborg, Cook n Bite; where we take all the hassles of cooking and leave u with devouring delicious home-cooked food. Since childhood I was observant of what was going on in the kitchen front of my house. My grandparents and parents encouraged me and motivated me to try new things. It was the summer vacation of 2012, after finishing my studies and starting new job as a teacher that I took an official Diploma in cooking from New Delhi and the rest kept falling in place. I like to make other people happy about the work I do. 

About Cook n Bite

Cook n Bite actually runs two sides, mine and customers’..our cooking and their relishing.Since I have landed on a planted pitch, I think it will take me more time to come into people’s first wish. Also, immense planning and matching every customer’s palette in every order can be said to be a challenge; a challenge that I love to take on.I don’t have much huge plans; but just slow and steady progression just like incense burning, which goes on slow but leaves everlasting impact. I want to develop Cook n Bite in such a way that commonest of common people are able to place order and enjoy Cook n Bite food.

Environment Factors

Sweden is entrepreneur friendly. It was easy to start the venture, language benefit is also on my side. 


I haven’t faced any such difficulty yet, or maybe I just take small problems in their stride and make them as learning experiences.

Message on Women's Day

On the occasion of Women’s day, I just want to say to Be the woman who fixes another woman’s crown, without telling the world it was crooked. As women we have some battles to be fought on an everyday basis, so let us not add to that. Let's not pull each other down. Be the light that leads you and others.

Editor's Note: Menu & Contact Details for Cook n Bite

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