This event has been postponed. We will come back with new dates.

Welcome to our first Live Cook-Off Food Challenge! <3 Open to everyone 15 years and above. Please read the participation rules by clicking on Read More below:

  • Date:2023-09-09 12:00 PM - 2023-09-09 03:00 PM
  • Location Aktivitetshus Tryckeriet, Vasatorpsvägen 1b, 25457 Helsingborg (Map)


There will be two rounds: 

9th September: Qualifying Round.

17th September: Live Cooking with Finalists

Qualifying Round Details

Theme: Home.

  • Two categories: Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian. 
  • Bring your completed food entry for the chosen category. Entries will be assessed on Taste, Presentation & Theme.
  • Quantity should be sufficient for two people. You are responsible for quality and hygiene.
  • Common allergens must be mentioned in written and before any tasting.

Final Round Details

Theme: Sverige Plus. 

 Your chosen cuisine + Swedish fusion.

  • Two categories: Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian. 
  • 4 finalists will be chosen in each category. 
  • You will have 1.5 hours to prepare, cook and present your food entry. Basic ingredients will be provided.
  • Entries will be assessed on adherence to the theme, Taste and Presentation.
  • Quantity should be sufficient for two people. You are responsible for quality and hygiene.
  • Common allergens must be mentioned in written and before any tasting.